New Year, New Start

Well hey there blog. Long time no see, how you doing? Sorry for the utter neglect over these last few months but university life is more hectic than I expected!

Anyways, I thought I'd make some resolutions for the New Year. I don't really know if you can call these resolutions, but its more of a "Things That I Want To Do In 2010 Which I Didn't In 2009". So here's my little list of gems.

1. Stop going on Facebook so much.
Now I hate to admit this, but I'm somewhat of a Facebook addict. And the thing is, it's not like there's even a lot of interesting things on there! Its just I really have nothing better to do, except revision. Oh and watching House. But anyways.. In 2010, I will try cut down on my daily Facebook intake.

2. Start exercising / Stop eating junk food.
I love and yet hate the Christmas Holidays.
Love, because of the whole "festive spirit" and "Christmassy mood", all the carols, decorations, and the Starbucks Christmas Drinks Selection.
Hate because of the high calorie intake from the vast amounts of chocolate in my stocking, the delicious deep filled mince pies, the numerous Terry's Chocolate Oranges I have consumed; oh and the ridiculous amount of alcohol I have drunk over these last TWO weeks! Probably more than I have drunk since the beginning of university. How ridiculous is that!?
So, I definitely need to go on a junk food diet of some sort, and maybe a further diet... And DEFINITELY more exercise. I was so pleased with myself for getting slim since the beginning of university due to all the walking I had to do, but now it seems I've thrown that thought to the wind. Ah well. It was so worth it.

3. Find out who I really am & what I really want in life.
So over this whole Autumn term, I've been confused about who I really am. Who is the real me? Apparently I have two personalities: my "behind a computer screen" persona, and my "real life" persona. I personally think it depends on who I'm with - as in can I truly be myself around them? Its easier for me to be myself around women for some reason.. I tend to be more guarded and less prone to making a fool out of myself voluntarily around men. But anyways, this year will be a "soul searching" year indeed. Hopefully I'll also find out what I want from relationships, from people, from myself, from my work, and from my beliefs.

4. Motivate myself more to deal with work/anything else as it comes.
Now I KNOW I'm definitely not the only person who leaves all their work to the last minute, and then makes a huge "cramming" effort at the end. Since Medicine is a 6 year course (Oh yer, blog, forgot to tell you I'm doing Medicine at Imperial now, sorry), I really don't expect to pass, let alone get a merit, with this...technique.
So I'm going to MAKE myself tackle the work as it comes. So print off my lecture notes weekly, highlight and read through my notes weekly, research topics which I don't understand regularly, or ask a lecturer for help. And no this is not me being keen, this is just me wanting to pass Medical School well... as in not just 50%. Whats that phrase about doing a little bit of work each day? I can't remember now. I'll post it if I do remember though.

5. Get back into playing the piano
This is an area of great, GREAT neglect. And I regret this so much. I've missed playing the piano whenever I feel like it, and I've been too lazy to make the journey all the way to 5th Floor Sherfield Building to play it. Or to Selkirk Common Room. Whichever. But I MISS my piano! I miss playing my songs, playing any song, playing for entertainment and playing for other people. I miss being able to play Grade 8 pieces (Yes, Grade 8 ladies and gentlemen!) and that feeling of losing yourself in your music. Its the best.

6. Stop losing my temper so freely.
I know again, I'm not the only one guilty of this. I think this is quite a big issue for me, since many people (especially brother) get my fur standing on end. Figure of speech only. Patience really is a virtue, and its a virtue I have yet to gain. I read somewhere that if you're having an argument which doesn't pass the "So What?" test, then.. well. What the hell are you arguing about anyway?

I think that's all I can come up with for the moment..

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