She has a face of light
Inner Grace
Death and all his friends..
I don't know why, but it seems that I can only blog at nighttime. Thats when my creative juices REALLY get flowing. Or I'm too tired to work, but not enough to go to sleep, so somewhere in the middle is where I feel like writing. Typing. Whatever.
On Nothing and Everything,
The Age of Chivalry isn't Dead...
Earlier today, while I was on the bus coming home, I was waiting at traffic lights and happened to notice a man sitting down on the pavement opposite us. An English man, he looked to be in his early 30s or so, and was bent over, cradling his leg. I then saw a passer by, a black man, stop and ask him if he was okay. He then responded by saying something (I couldn't tell what - I'm not the greatest lip reader..) and pointing to his leg. I could see now that his trousers were torn, and his leg was bleeding quite a lot. The passer by then unzipped his rucksack, took out a tissue, and handed it to the poor man on the floor. The man then thanked him, and the passer by stayed with him a while. Later, he then patted him on the back, and went on his way. Shortly afterwards, the man hesitantly got up on his feet after tending to his wound, and started to pick his bag up.
You say Britain, I say Talent...
DJ Talent annoyed me like hell. But, and I'm ashamed to admit this, the "song" which he sung..or more appropriately rapped.. in the semi finals was actually not that baaad... And quite catchy too. I could see that coming on i-Tunes in the next few weeks... Just like Amanda predicted..

From the bell-bottom flare to the ultra-tight skinny jean.
One of my good friends sent this in an email to me today. I thought it was quite interesting... Take a look for yourself.
2. They call you 24/7 and if you don't pick up the phone, they'll leave you TONS of voice mails
3. If you are a girl and don't know how to cook, then you're going down the drain and no one will marry you
4. The only way your life will get better is if you get MARRIED
5. Your mom is very nosy
6. Your parents don't know what the word "privacy" means; it will NEVER exist in their dictionary
7. If you are a couple of minutes late coming home, they'll call you tons of times!
8. If you don't become a doctor, engineer, pharmacist then you're a failure
9. If you make anything less than an A grade then you are a failure as well
10. If you pick your own spouse, then you've committed a horrible mistake
11. Parents care about what the society thinks more than your feelings
12. If you are a girl, you can't be yourself because some aunty is always on a look-out for a girl to become her son's wife
13. Your friends have to be approved by your parents
14. When you hear that their experience has made them way more knowledgeable than you..."mujhe tum se zyaada pata hai!!!" every time you do something wrong!
15. You spend too much money when you haven’t shopped for an entire month.
16. You spend way too much time with your friends (and the last time you saw them was at school...between classes)
17. Anything you do...just isn’t right...forget it...might as well go bury yourself
18. They think they have the best kids when you wear shalwar kameez to school (kids, don’t try will officially be labelled a FOB...good for parents, bad for society)
19. If you date/marry anyone outside the desi're going to hell
20. You are asked to eat something every half an hour. You may eat like a pig, yet they never seem to think you eat enough!
21. You get cussed more than u get told they love you
22. You learn that racism has a whole new meaning because they're racist against their own kind..."mein tu abne betay ke liye gori bahu laon gi!"
23. When they automatically somehow magically know if you're talking to a girl on a phone.
24. Dark skinned girls are pressured to put on 'fair and lovely' to get lighter!!
25. Girls: your parents start looking for "ache larke" when you’re still in high school!
26. Your parents want more than 100 %. And when you get 105 %, they STILL expect you to do better.
27. If you’re a girl...guys and girls can’t just be’re not allowed to talk to guys
28. Your parents always wanted to buy your clothes a larger size just so you could use it till you DIE
29. They have lil desi kids who can’t keep their trap shut who help the parents let us not live our life the way we want even more
30. You go to India they tie a rope around your suitcase...
31. You make chai for you parents at least 3 times a day!
32. They always make you go places wit them or make u talk to people you don’t want to so you can be friends with them because they are "good kids"
33. They always ask who you were with there names and how old they are and if the person is driving they have to see them first
34. Girls can’t wear revealing clothes unless it’s Indian clothing
35. Girls have to make sure they clear the table and be all nokhrani when guests are over
36. They call you up every 20 minutes when you're with your friends to ask you what you've eaten
37. Your mom calls you fat one day and the next day she makes you eat till you explode
38. They brag about you to all their Indian friends, then turn around and tell you what is wrong with you
39. You know you have desi parents when vacation means going to relatives’ houses in different cities
40. They always want to know what you’re doing on the computer
41. Your parents wont buy you stuff unless it’s at least 40% off

"Where the girls are, there are no spider's webs."
The Catalonians' couldn't be more right. What is it with girls and spiders!? Today, as I was sitting in my room doing some work and talking to a friend...(multitasking - women do that too - very well) I saw, out of the corner of my eye.. a HIDEOUS huge eight legged... THING which was crawling tentatively up my whitewashed walls with its long gossamer-thin spidey-legs. Ughhhh. Just looking at spiders makes my skin crawl. And my vocabulary descriptive.

My First Blog.
Well hello there.. to anyone who's reading this. My first blog entry.. and I don't have a clue what to write. Maybe I should begin with why I've suddenly decided to write a blog... So.
In a slumber charmed by your image
I dreamed of happiness, ardent mirage;
Your eyes were more tender, your voice pure and clear.
You were radient like a sky brightened by sunrise;
You were calling me, and I left the earth
To flee with you towards the light;
The skies opened their clouds for us,
Splendours unknown, glimpses of divine light ...
Alas ! Alas, sad awakening from dreams !
I call to you, oh night, give me back your illusions;
Return, return with your radiance,
Return, oh mysterious night !
So, I think thats about it for my first blog... Better get back to revision. And sleep.. lots of it. Ciao my fellow bloggers.