My First Blog.

Well hello there.. to anyone who's reading this. My first blog entry.. and I don't have a clue what to write. Maybe I should begin with why I've suddenly decided to write a blog... So.

I'm in the middle of some important exams right now... really important. Like my whole life depends on them important. Its probably not the best idea to start writing a blog now right? But I did.. moment of insanity? Possibly. But hey.. I see it as an "outlet" for my... creative mind.. juices.. to flow. You can't really get creative with Biology, Chemistry and Maths.. Music I guess but those exams are already over. Sigh....

Ooh I'd also like to share something with you.. anyone who's reading this. Its a beautiful beautiful poem.. actually a song, a French song. Its called "Après un rêve" by Gabriel Faure, and its a French "melodie".. One of the pieces I had to analyze in my Music exam. The lyrics are in French, but the English translation is also very beautiful..

In a slumber charmed by your image

I dreamed of happiness, ardent mirage;

Your eyes were more tender, your voice pure and clear.

You were radient like a sky brightened by sunrise;

You were calling me, and I left the earth

To flee with you towards the light;

The skies opened their clouds for us,

Splendours unknown, glimpses of divine light ...

Alas !  Alas, sad awakening from dreams !

I call to you, oh night, give me back your illusions;

Return, return with your radiance,

Return, oh mysterious night !

So, I think thats about it for my first blog... Better get back to revision. And sleep.. lots of it. Ciao my fellow bloggers.

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