The Catalonians' couldn't be more right. What is it with girls and spiders!? Today, as I was sitting in my room doing some work and talking to a friend...(multitasking - women do that too - very well) I saw, out of the corner of my eye.. a HIDEOUS huge eight legged... THING which was crawling tentatively up my whitewashed walls with its long gossamer-thin spidey-legs. Ughhhh. Just looking at spiders makes my skin crawl. And my vocabulary descriptive.

^ Eeeyuck. The type of spider I..dislike.. the most. And one happened to be on my wall.. Coincidence? I think not! After thinking out loud about what to do with said beast for 10 minutes, I eventually came up with the brilliant idea of sucking the little sucker (aha) to kingdom come with the hoover. Genius? Indeed. And it meant I wouldn't even have to touch the thing! Admittedly, it took me the best part of 20 minutes to eventually find the dratted thing again, under my table and all, but at least it meant I didn't have to sit in my study psychotically obsessing over where it was after that.
Then, whilst doing my work, I began to think. Why is it that we fear spiders? Girls in particular... I can say this because it's a fact. You don't tend to see boys screaming and running to their parents/siblings/whoever else in the middle of the night just because there's a spider in their bed. Nope. Girls would though... I definitely have. But what is it about these...creatures that scares us so? Ultimately, they're a help to the household...eating flies, which means we have less chance of fly eggs being laid on our food...and less chance of getting fly germs. Ew. But.. they're just so DISGUSTING!
I think its a psychological thing.
For me, I'm pretty sure I know why I'm scared of them. I'm an extremely sensitive person.. in terms of touch. The lightest touch for me tickles... I remember once, when a spider actually was on my arm, feeling its legs moving up my arm really quickly.. I just panicked. I keep thinking it'll go inside my clothes, and then I won't ever be able to get it out unless... well. Unless I got naked. Which would be a travesty if I was with other people...
I can't believe I've managed to write a whole post about spiders.. My my my. Just shows you can write about literally anything... But seriously. Why can't spiders be cute!? Like this little critter...

Guaranteed he isn't real. But hey.. I'd rather see that on my wall than some... hideous creature! I guess we can consider ourselves lucky we don't live in the Middle East and have to have these little bundles of joy they call camel spiders in our back gardens. If they ever had gardens in the desert.
So, no, I don't really like spiders all that much. Well, not at all, to be quite frank. With one exception - that one radioactive genetically modified spider that bit Spiderman? Hats off to him. Otherwise we'd never have seen the cute-yet-slightly-geeky Tobey Maguire scaling walls and shooting cobweb from his wrist. Gotta love it.
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