DJ Talent annoyed me like hell. But, and I'm ashamed to admit this, the "song" which he sung..or more appropriately rapped.. in the semi finals was actually not that baaad... And quite catchy too. I could see that coming on i-Tunes in the next few weeks... Just like Amanda predicted..
But anyways. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOSOSOSOsososososoooo happy that Diversity won! They were incredible.. and that Ashley Banjo guy is pretty cute haha. The choreography was incredible, the timing absolute, the dancing amazing, the look effortless... How the hell does someone get ideas like that!? It was so unbelievably imaginative and just.. interesting the whole way through! Oh and that little boy with the huge afro and glasses - Perry Kiely - I LOVE him to bits. He's adorable. And so funny! I love how they use him for all the 'stunts' - throwing him across the stage, picking him up by his legs and whirling him over, making him do all the backflips and frontflips - pick on the poor little boy with the afro why don't you!
And Flawless!? I was quite surprised they weren't in the Top 3. Serves them right for being so cocky I guess... Their dancing was impeccable. But just not as entertaining as Diversity.. Plus, it seemed like Flawless copied a few of Diversity's ideas. But thats just me thinking out loud......
Sean Smith was another favourite of mine. His voice is incredible - especially to the song he sung both in his audition and in the final. I'd buy that single anyday. It was better than the original I think! And it doesn't hurt that he's not bad looking too... I think the majority of his votes must have been from the teenage female population of Great Britain. Myself not included. (Diversity all the way :D )
And Aidan.. little Aidan. Poor guy - such a good dancer! Fantastic semifinal performance, he should have just done it again for the real thing. I don't understand how people don't realise when a performance they've done is utter rubbish or generally much worse than their previous performance - if he had done his semifinal performance again, I reckon he'd have come third. Instead of Julian Smith... who, I don't think should have been third. His sax sounded more like an oboe, and admittedly, the sound was beautiful.. But. Saxomophone... JAZZ. He should have done an upbeat jazzy piece with time for improvisation and wowed the audience with his incredible improvisation and brought them all to their feet in thunderous applause... But naaah. Quiet song, from WSS, which he already played in his audition.. But to be fair, at the end it was pretty impressive. And his performance was much better than at the audition.
Stavros Flatley - no one can't not love them! Whats not to love about two "plump" Greek guys in blonde wigs and dancing topless... Mmm! I was laughing the whole way through.. Very amusing. Wouldn't have minded if they'd won.. But yet again, Simon Cowell predicted correctly about who would win BGT.

I feel so sorry for Susan Boyle. 4 weeks ago, no one knew who she was, and now shes the centre of the media's attention. And not necessarily in a nice way either. I saw an article where Matt Lucas from Little Britain did an impression of her - it was so harsh and just unnecessary. She never did anything to deserve those comments and the mockery of her, but some people are just incredibly shallow and want to pick on someone else's obvious faults and flaws, instead of acknowledging their own. I could go off on a different tangent here and rant about how disgusting I think Matt Lucas is, but I'll spare you, dear reader.
Lil' Hollie - glad she made it through the performance in one piece. I have to say, I had no idea what that song was, but it was hauntingly beautiful and she sang it very well indeed - a far cry from yesterday's performance. 2 Grand - I LOVE them. Especially the grandad, he's so cute. Reminds me of my own.. I so should have done a duet with my grandad! Ha ha. Not. But the granddaughter has an incredible singing voice - BUT. I don't think she would have gone through by just herself.. Its because it was her, and her granddad, and it was something unusual, thats why they got through. Not to mention the fact it was a good act, and they can both sing.. but she was way better. Shaheen - INCREDIBLE voice. I've used that word so many times already.. but it really was amazing. But.. I've heard rumours that he's already semi-pro, so technically, that's cheating.. He's done shows as a mini-MJ-sing-a-like. But he didn't win, so I don't careee... His voice is something else though. It reminds me a bit of Jennifer Hudson's voice - I dread to think how his voice will be spoilt when it breaks. :(
This year, I have to say.. The competition was VERY close. Some really REALLY good competitors this year... So why is it that this year, the quality of BGT performers has increased incredibly (again..), but the quality of the competitors in The Apprentice has just... well. You know what I mean.. basically they're shit compared to the previous years. Obviously Sir Alan isn't as fussy anymore.. Desperate for another Apprentice - whoever she may be, whatever standards she may be at - in these oh so troubled times? Oh, and has anyone noticed that at the beginning of The Apprentice, the guy never says "Sir Alan's empire, worth over 5 million" anymore? He leaves that 5 million bit out now... Maybe Sugar's in a wee bit of economic trouble?
I can't be bothered to write anymore. Tired. Sleep :) goooooodnight cyberspace.
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